The reflection of light: What is Specular Reflection?
This article sheds light on a phenomenon known as specular reflection, also known as veiling reflection. This occurrence may have a significant impact on the illumination of a given space as well as on the way we perceive objects.
Overview of the principles of lighting technology
Lighting is a more complex process than we can imagine. Following are a few principles of lighting technology which will facilitate the installation of light systems that produce optimal visual acuity and create a pleasant atmosphere.
The role of photometry in a lighting layout
Photometry aims to control light by establishing the amount and the quality of light rays, as well as devising new ways to control and aim them in a designated space.
Why and how to adjust lighting with seasonal changes
Natural light varies from one season to the next. Discover why you should adjust lighting with seasonal changes to save time and money in the long run. Discover how now in the following article.
LED recessed downlights: too much of a good thing?
David Nathaniel, CEO at STANDARD, gives his opinion about revolutionary LED Recessed Downlights and what we forgot along the way.
LED lights: an economical and long-lasting solution
Do you hesitate to replace your light bulbs with LED bulbs? Discover why converting to LED lights is both a durable and cost-effective solution.
How to Limit Optical Loss
Variances in light dispersion or brightness might be caused by a reduction of light known as optical loss. Read on to learn what it is and how to prevent it.
What is the Colour Rendering Index?
Learn all about the Colour Rendering Index and how to select the optimal lighting system according to this significant measure!
LED and its Possible Health Effects – Part 2
Read this series (part 1 and 2) of articles to understand the results of the researches on the effects of blue light and LED lamps on general population health, on eyes, skin and the circadian system.
LED and its Possible Health Effects – Part 1
Read this series (part 1 and 2) of articles to understand the results of the researches on the effects of blue light and LED lamps on general population health, on eyes, skin and the circadian system.