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August 2017

EFC Sustainability Award 2017

This year, at the EFC Future Forum event, Stanpro is the proud winner of the 2017 Award in the Sustainability category. To know more about the actions taken by Stanpro to win this recognition, read Stanpro and its sustainability efforts.

In addition, STANDARD has received an honourable mention in the Corporate Social Responsibility category, award won by STANDARD in 2016. Read more about this award in the article entitled STANDARD Receives EFC Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.

STANDARD received was recipient of this award as well as its honourable mention on October 25th, at the Future Forum held in Toronto.

EFC Sustainability Award

Sustainability initiatives include programs that address topics such as energy efficiency, packaging, reclaiming of communication material, staff and vendor training regarding the organization of sustainable procedures. Suggested criteria include:

  • Reducing the amount of resource materials
  • Minimizing the use of hazardous materials
  • Material efficiency (reuse of products; recycling of packaging material)
  • Creating products for renewable resources
  • Demonstrating results with a smaller carbon footprint
  • Improving manufacturing and operation processes
  • Increasing energy efficiency, saving resources and reducing carbon emissions

STANDARD was nominated for its sustainability efforts in three programs: the Recycling, Reduce and Reuse program, Responsible Disposal and Promotion of Sustainable Consumption. Read STANDARD and its sustainability efforts for more information about these programs.