2021 Electro-Federation Canada scholarship
November 2021
Once again, this year, Ascot Capital Group, the corporate seat of Stanpro, took part in the 2021 Electro-Federation Canada scholarship programme. To be eligible, candidates must meet specific criteria whose main purpose is to promote the electrical industry profession. In this regard, students must pursue post-secondary studies in a discipline leading to a career in [...]
Guide 101 to programmable lighting
October 2021
In our contemporary world, there are several spaces that require lighting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for safety reasons. Be it warehouses, parking lots, storage facilities or residential complexes, all these areas necessitate continuous lighting, which demands a tremendous energy output and corresponding high costs. What options are available? Tri-level programmable lighting [...]
Emergency lighting : Are you getting what you paid for?
October 2021
Buyer Beware! Have you ever gone into a big box store looking for a product and find two similar products, but one is twenty percent cheaper, only to bring it home, attempt to assemble it and then realize WHY it was twenty percent cheaper? Have you ever regretted that kind of purchase? Are you getting [...]
Reducing Light Pollution Through Your Choice of Outdoor Lighting
October 2021
Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, western societies have gotten into the habit of living in a world surrounded by light, both inside and outside the home, which allows people to pursue their activities after the sun has gone down. And yet, have you ever given any thought to the negative effects of an [...]
Efficient city lights: A smart choice for municipalities
September 2021
Adequate lighting ensures the safety of a city and improves its overall attractiveness. Read on to find out how to light cities with LED lighting upgrades for budgetary savings and environmental considerations.
How to Choose Economical, Efficient and Safe Outdoor Lighting Solutions
August 2021
If you wish a safe and welcoming environment when you arrive home, give some thought to your outdoor lighting system: it should be practical, well positioned and economical.