Home / Projects / Sports Facilities / COMPLETE SOLUTION FOR MINTO GYM


The property manager of this gym in Ottawa wanted to improve lighting in this facility to match its modern look appearance. Stanpro proposed a complete solution to modernize (revamp) the gym’s lighting system:

Reception Area
  • The traditional 6-inch recessed fixture with twin PL lamps was replaced with by 9 watts Presto LED Downlights.
  • The two-lamp F32T8 fixtures (that consume 64 watts) were replaced with 40 watts LED panels.
Aerobics Room
  • The traditional 6-inch recessed fixture with twin PL lamps was replaced with 9 watts Presto LED Downlights.
  • The two-lamp F32T8 fixtures (that consume 64 watts) were replaced with 40 watts LED panels.
  • Two luminaire types were installed on 2 separate switches, allowing the gym to change lighting needed for the type of class in that space.
  • Traditional recessed can fixtures with twin PL lamps were replaced with 6-inch Low Profile Downlights (LPDL) (that consume 12 watts).
Workout Room
  • The Two-Lamp F32T8 fixtures (that consume 64 watts) were replaced with 40 watts LED panels.