Home / Projects / Grocery Stores / IGA SUTTON


The interior of the Sutton IGA was very dark. The grocery store owners had been putting off the lighting improvement project for quite some time. The time was ripe!

Stanpro proposed a complete LED solution to refurbish the entire IGA lighting arrangement using a combination of LED highbays and PAR lamps to upgrade the general lighting of the grocery store:

  • 57 LED Highbays (LPHB series), in 4 000 K, consuming only 175 watts
    replaced the traditional metal halide fixtures that used to consume 458
  • 188 LED PAR38 lamps, in 3 000 K, consuming 15 watts replaced the old
    halogen lamps (130 V) that used to consume 76 watts.
    This combination resulted in an overall energy savings of 31,7% and a
    predicted return on investment of less than 3 years!

“This is quite a transformation from what we had in the past!”– said the


An efficient turnkey solution

One of the crucial arguments in support of this project was the financial assistance of Hydro-Quebec. Stanpro carried out all the research work and completed the required paperwork to enable the owners of the Sutton IGA to obtain the necessary funding, a service that Stanpro happily provides its customers, allowing you to focus your attention on your business and your customer.

Today, the Sutton IGA is the first of its group to be equipped with LED! Finally, the owners are so happy with their investment that they wish to continue further the transition to LED by replacing the lighting system above cash registers, ready-to-eat, meat and cheese counters and into the fridges.