Home / Projects / Farm / LÉOTHÉ DAIRY FARM


From humble beginnings in 1957, with no more than ten cows, a few pigs and some chickens, Léo Tremblay and Thérèse Bergeron slowly grew their Jonquière, Québec farming operation into a thriving dairy production business. In 2017, the Léothé dairy farm boasted close to hundred dairy cows to sustain a flourishing milk production facility. In 2018, the family undertook the expansion of its barn to house 300 cows and thus broaden its activities. The lighting system in the barn’s dated space is composed of traditional fixtures that contain T5 fluorescent tubes. This type of lighting is costly, it sheds meagre, yellowed luminosity in the space, and the light start time is slow.

Stanpro’s lighting specialist recommended the installation of vapor-tight luminaires of the LSVS series in this space. Light is both well-defined and bright; it is consistent with natural light. Technicians installed luminaires fitted with amber filters to ensure softer, muted lighting at night. The newly renovated space now boasts 638 foot-candles.

One of the farm staff commented: “The cows will be comfortable in this space; lighting here is good and bright.

Stanpro lighting experts recommended that the dairy farm owners install narrow LED vapor-tight luminaires in the newly modernized space that houses their dairy cows.
